Welcome to Rema's documentation!
Rema is a powerful and scalable certificate generation and management system for individuals, businesses, and organizations.
Rema is a project in progress, currently in beta. If you plan to contribute, read the belowmentioned documentation and get started with your first issue.
- Setup : Setting up Rema.
- Execution : Running Rema on a production server.
- Development Setup : All about setting up the development environment for Rema.
- Environment Variables : The environment variables that affect the execution of Rema.
- Templates : The concept of templates and how they can be used to generate certificates.
- Template API : The API that can be harnessed to automate template-handling in Rema.
- Certificates : The internal storage schema of certificates.
- Certificate API : The API used to generate, render, and manage certificates.
- Fonts : Using fonts for textual fields.
- Placeholders : Rendering certificate date/UID inside the certificate as fields, et cetera.